It is a common condition affecting children. Mainly it is due to either low hemoglobin or reduced number of RBC.
Iron is a very important mineral which helps in formation of hemoglobin.
(Hemoglobin, is a compound present inside RBC, which makes our blood red)
Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia
Causes of iron deficiency anemia
Low iron levels can be either due to low intake (from diet) or excessive loss from body (in form of Bleeding) or reduced absorption from gut (in children who take excessive milk)
Signs and Symptoms
Children can have no symptoms in mild cases; to lethargicness, breathlessness, or pale skin in extreme cases.
It is done by doing blood tests to measure hemoglobin and blood cell count. Sometimes iron studies and other tests may be required.
The most common treatment is either through tablets or liquids containing iron. We can give vitamin C or orange juice to increase absorption.
Iron rich foods include meat, beans, lentils, eggs, raisins (kishmish), green leafy vegetables, tuna fish, etc. If you have concerns about your child being anemic, speak to your doctor.